Humanity Through the Lens of a Traveler: 12 Lessons from 12 Months on the Road
It has now been a year since we sailed off to our new adventures - leaving behind the comforts of "home" to explore Europe and its...

Leipzig, Germany: A City of Students & Music
Germany is filled with beautiful cities that abound with unique architecture and history. One of those cities that I got to visit for a...

A Weekend in Vienna
In between my stay in Slovakia and heading off to Greece, I stopped over in Vienna for a quick weekend trip and was blessed enough to...

GALLERY: Cesky Krumlov - one of Czech's cutest towns
There is a picture-perfect small town in the Southern part of Czech whose streets are lined with beautiful historical houses. The...

A Czech Christmas in Prague
Prague is a beautiful city that comes even more alive in the Christmas season. There are over a dozen town squares throughout the city...

Winter Wonderland Walk in Austria
Our two week Workaway in southern Austria in the middle of November was truly a blessing. We stayed in the small town of Millstatt with a...

Bratislava: A Stopover in Slovakia's beautiful capital
After departing the Greek island of Chios, we had our next Workaway lined up in southern Austria. We had to first rent a car in my...

Humanity Through the Lens of a Traveler: Five Lessons from Five Months on the Road
This world is as beautiful as a planet in our galaxy can get - but the magnificence and depth of the human soul is marvelous beyond...

Six Months of Adventures in Review
As we get ready to continue our adventures, here is a look back at the wonderful six months we have just been blessed to experience: So...

Hody: A Traditional Czech Village Celebration
Many villages in Moravia (the southeast part of Czech), celebrate a tradition called "hody" in the late summer or early fall. In my home...