Czech: A Day Trip to the Beskyd Mountains
On the east side of Czech Republic, about an hour away from Brno, there is a small mountain range called "Beskydy." We had the chance to...

GALLERY: Cesky Krumlov - one of Czech's cutest towns
There is a picture-perfect small town in the Southern part of Czech whose streets are lined with beautiful historical houses. The...

A Czech Christmas in Prague
Prague is a beautiful city that comes even more alive in the Christmas season. There are over a dozen town squares throughout the city...

Czech's Crown Jewel: Karlstejn Castle in Winter & Summer
About an hour south of Prague is a beautiful castle called Karlstejn. It was founded in 1348 by King of Bohemia Charles IV. It is one of...

Hody: A Traditional Czech Village Celebration
Many villages in Moravia (the southeast part of Czech), celebrate a tradition called "hody" in the late summer or early fall. In my home...

GALLERY: Prague - A Morning Stroll Through Old Town
Prague - the city of a hundred spires, cobblestone streets lined with colorful houses, and some of the best beer in Europe. From...