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GALLERY: A Morning Stroll Through Florence

There is no better time to explore a large city than in the early hours of the morning. Before the tourists have even started waking up. The only traffic you see are delivery trucks and business owners heading to open up their stores. The smell of pastries still being baked and coffee being roasted fills the air. The cleaning crews are still working on getting the streets ready for the new day. How refreshing to see everything before throngs of tourists (like us!) gather in front of the main sights with their selfie sticks.

This is the perfect time to be alive in the cosmos, quite literally. The concoction of stars and stardust swirling in our galaxies at gravity's direction is just right for this current expression of life. And here we are. ALIVE. & we can feel that aliveness in every second unless we forget the true miracle that is going on here. But perhaps even that forgetting is part of the symphony, for once we remember, we can feel the joy in marveling at our own existence, at the perfection of it all. Is it just another morning or another breath of the infinite cosmos? ❤SO

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