Thousands of shades of every color under the sun come alive in this garden that is a must-see for anyone who finds themselves in the Netherlands in the spring (between mid April to mid May, to be more exact).
We were lucky enough to be in Amsterdam in mid May so a visit to the world's largest tulip garden, Keukenhof, was the top item on the list!
Located about 40 minutes outside of the city, Keukenhof covers an area of 32 hectares and is typically open from late March to late May. According to the official Keukenhof website, about 7 million bulbs bloom every spring with a total of 800 varieties of tulips.
While Keukenhof is a large and beautifully designed park for the public, there are also actual tulip fields right next to the park as well as spread through other areas of the Netherlands. During the time we visited however, it was too late to see these beauties in bloom in the fields.

Planning your visit
If you wish to see these fields of colors, I would suggest going earlier in the season (mid to late April) so that you can see the fields as well as Keukenhof. Allocate at least 3-4 hours to the visit and go earlier in the day to get the best light for pictures - we got there late in the afternoon when many of the flowers were already in the shade of the surrounding trees. If you are staying in Amsterdam, there are plenty of buses and transportation directly to Keukenhof and many places sell tickets that include transportation at an extra cost.
A Gallery of Colors
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.”
– Gerard De Nerval
The simple wonders of those "ordinary" moments... peak experiences will come and go.. but that which is beyond them that we dwell in every day is the simple presence of life as it happens all around us. The sun rising again, the birds welcoming the day with their cheerful songs, the bees kissing May's blooming beauties, ducks chasing each other into the pond, puppies happily running across the fields, the crisp morning air circulating through our lungs.. This is it. In every moment, in every breath. Awaiting our discovery through a shift in perception.
❤ SO